Women at War



Can ONE Thing Literally Bring About

the Answered Prayer You Seek?

The Answer is a Resounding YES! You are Personally Invited to our Life-Changing One Day Conference...

Women at War "Freedom 101 - Clean House"

Get Answered Prayer in the Areas of Life You Want it Most!

Read My Personal Message to You Here...

Discover Practical Biblical Strategies that STOP the enemy from Hindering your Marriage, Children, Health & Finances

and Begin Enjoying Freedom & Victory, STARTING AT HOME!

Saturday, October 5, 2024 - Impact Church

44 Cabarrus Ave W, Concord, NC 28025

Saturday, November 16, 2024 - Wellington Nat'l Golf Club

400 Binks Forest Dr., Wellington, FL 33414

Jesus said, "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy,

and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19 (NKJV)

Your Conference Ticket also Includes...

The "Freedom 101 - Clean House" Conference Workbook, by Author & Instructor, Sharon Restrepo and

Esther Anointing Oil!

You will leave prepared to head home, scripturally anoint your home and begin exercising your authority in Christ as His child.

The Freedom 101 - Clean House Conference Workbook includes...

  • Scriptural lessons to follow during our conference & your lifetime too!

  • Prayers for exercising your authority over your home, property & other areas of life!

  • Scriptural strategies and steps for exercising your authority in Christ as it relates to obtaining freedom & victory!

  • & So much more!

The beauty of getting this powerful Workbook is that when you return home, you can follow this instruction guide & implement the scriptural tools inside to Clean House!

Victoria's Testimony...

"There is so much the Lord has taught me through Women at War and my relationship with the Lord continues to grow deeper and deeper as a result. I thought that learning about freedom at home was going to glorify the devil or bring fear. Instead, it glorifies Jesus and the authority we have in Him, and I learned how to defeat fear as a result. One of the most powerful lessons I learned resulted in me Cleaning House as Sharon teaches. Immediately afterward, a release of the gift of my prayer language freely flowed. I had been praying for this gift from the Holy Spirit, but it hadn’t happened, and I didn’t understand why. That was just one of the many testimonies since learning what scripture teaches on this subject. I highly recommend this study to believers who feel like they’ve hit roadblocks in their prayer life."

Juanita's Testimony...

"I was shocked to learn how much influence demonic interference has on our finances. This is one area I pray for breakthrough often so the moment I learned about a specific item she teaches that interferes with finances, I threw it away and received $8,000 the very next day. Not much time later, I made another correction to align with God's word and received $1,500 as a result. Of course, who can say 100% that the consequence is directly related but I absolutely believe it was the result of my obedience to Clean House based on just these two instrumental lessons!"

Billie Caren's Testimony...

"This topic seemed really out of my comfort zone but learning it in a step-by-step way, all supported by scripture, gave me so much confidence that I was able to Clean House! I commanded what doesn’t belong to me or the Lord to go and changed the atmosphere in my home and family. I didn’t even know that was something I could or should do. If you feel scared about this topic too, then that’s just the enemy keeping you from kicking him out of your home and life!"

Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV) "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Hi Woman at War,

I am excited to spend the day with you at the life-empowering "Freedom 101 - Clean House" training conference!

If we've met, then you may already know the story behind the Women at War movement I was led to begin and author, as well as how my encounter with Jesus shifted me from death to life in my mid-20s.

Years ago in my real estate career and prior to ever hearing the call to launch "Women at War," the Lord spoke to me and said, "Sharon, no longer will your properties rent or sell until you clean them out."

I knew exactly what He meant and the long journey of bringing freedom to houses and land began. At first, I had no idea what I was doing but learned so much in the process.

For example, I learned freedom means we are free from demonic hindrances and in many cases, demonic spirits in our own homes. I learned about demonic odors and demonically manifesting insects and pests. I learned what each room in the home symbolizes and how to pray in each room differently. I learned that many Christians are responsible for demonic presence in their home and how to put a stop to it for good. I learned that our land carries with it another scriptural strategy for prayer to cancel demonic influence and much, much more!

Some properties took months to finally "Clean House" simply because I didn't know what I didn't know and the research the Lord led me to do often seemed endless.

I remember being so frustrated with the long hold on a flip property because I just couldn't "figure it all out," standing in that front yard and complaining to God, "Don't you care about our profit? There's going to be none left!" To which God responded, "This is profitable, Daughter." Of course, the Father's perspective is always 100% accurate!

You will get equipped to loose freedom over your marriage, family, children, health, finances and everything connected to your home, including you!

Where the Lord takes you from there is between you and Him, but trust me, you will most likely learn more at this Conference than you've ever learned in most churches!

At this powerful conference, I will do what the Lord instructed me to do when He said, "Teach them about freedom the way I taught you - start them in their own homes."

This Conference will equip you to war at a greater spiritual level; the level needed to finish breaking through at home. We perish for lack of knowledge and since we don't know what we don't know, it's easy to blame God for what seems like unanswered prayer.

I look forward to sharing what I've learned as I continue to take authority over properties and land in my career and ministry today.

I will bring over 20+ years' experience in my walk and this subject to you, sharing what God and His word have taught me about this subject. I will absolutely support it with scripture so you are confident in what you learn, able to leave with a blueprint on how to navigate Cleaning your own home, affecting all that is connected to it, in companionship with the Lord and most of all, loosing freedom & victory in your marriage, family, health and finances!

Like any subject, nothing is scary when you understand who you are in Christ and the authority you possess to stop demonic influence in your life and home. Can you just imagine how different things will be when you know how to properly address the enemy's schemes right inside your own home?

It's my sincere prayer that you will join me in person at our Women at War Freedom 101 All-Day Conference and learn to Clean House!

Enroll today, bring your prayer-bestie and don't forget to join our pre-Conference meet & greet, prayer Zoom meeting!


Melissa's Testimony...

"My journey with spiritual warfare began during the Women at War course. When the topic became spiritual warfare in your home, I instantly knew the Holy Spirit wanted us to clean house. As I learned more, I became aware of things that needed to be dealt with in my home. Since it was new to us, I invited Sharon to come and help us spiritually clean our home. The warfare weapons she and Juan taught us were not only effective then, but tools we use as a lifestyle in our home today.

We are eternally grateful for the ability to walk through our home with them and learn from their wisdom and anointing. It truly puts what they teach into action and it is not only life changing but the pathway to freedom and spiritual authority in your own home."

M. Taylor's Testimony...

"When I learned that things in our home could welcome demonic spirits into my house and that no amount of prayer would make a difference, I was shocked. As soon as I told Sharon that my kids didn’t sleep and therefore, I didn’t sleep, she pointed to the chapter on accursed items. She taught us how to seek the Lord to reveal what we don’t realize, and I did. I received a vision of a painting stored under my bed that the Lord directed me to throw away. I prayed accordingly and praise God, everyone began to sleep through the night. This workshop is NOT scary! In fact, it helped me get a better understanding of just how much authority I have in my own home."

Women at War Education Path...

"Equipping the Proverbs 31 Woman for Success"

If you have previously participated in the Women at War Bible Study or Boot Camp, then "Freedom 101 - Clean House" is your next step in the "Equipping the Proverbs 31 Woman for Success" education path. We are thrilled to welcome you to our Live in-Person Training!

More About Your Instructor, Sharon Restrepo

Sharon Restrepo is the best-selling author of powerful books such as Women at War, Finding Mr. Right Now, Power of Proverbs 31-Day Devotional, Exposing the Truth Behind the Lies of Real Estate Investing, and many more, with her most recent work, "Freedom 101 - Clean House," being placed into your hands at her upcoming live and in-person conference!

Sharon has been featured on Christian Television Network (as seen in the photo with Arthelene Rippy), in Gary Keller's best-seller, "The Millionaire Real Estate Investor," and has shared stages with leaders such as Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Kiyosaki.

You will be blessed!

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If you believe the Lord is calling you to sow into this event, please click the pink "Sow Into the Event" button to sow your seed. Any amount is appreciated! May God bless you with abundant harvest returns. Thank you!

Sharon Restrepo is a genuine educator and encourager who loves to share her life's experiences, knowledge and faith in everything she does.

Her motivational story of overcoming suicide after suddenly being widowed 25+ years ago plays a pivotal role in her life. Sharon shares from a place of transparency, humor and vulnerability, in a way that all audiences relate, learn and experience personal and business growth as a result.

Statement of Faith: "We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God who came to earth through virgin birth, sinless in life, purposed to die on the cross for our sins, making a way of forgiveness and giving those who receive Him as their Savior the promise of eternal life with Him in heaven."

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Restrepo Enterprises, Inc. dba Women At War
PO Box 1494, Rockwell, NC 28138